It is said that nothing lasts forever, and while even the most durable materials can fail under certain circumstances, glass is one that generally cannot take as much abuse as others. With the various types of glass, some are more durable than others and break in different ways, but it is entirely likely that at some point you might be in the need for glass replacement. The key is knowing when it is possible and when it is not. Consider the following list of situations and mentally check off those where glass replacement would be the solution:

● Glass table top
● Glass protector on dresser or other furniture
● Mirror backdrop in an entertainment center
● Glass desk
● Double-pane window
● Single-pane window
● Triple-pane window
● Bathroom mirror
● Medicine cabinet mirror
● Wall mirror
● Glass door of kitchen cabinet
● Glass shelving
● Glass panel in a lighting fixture
● Storefront glass
● Glass partitions in an office
● Glass shower door or enclosure

Did you see any on this list where glass replacement wouldn’t be possible? About the only one that is remotely questionable would be a glass desk since if the glass was destroyed, it is possible any framework was also. It might not be cost-effective to deal with repairing the frame and replacing the glass. Glass inserts in a desk would definitely be replaceable, so it depends largely on the style of the desk and the extent of damage.

The lesson to be learned in this instance is that glass replacement is almost always possible, although in some cases, it might not be cost-effective. It never hurts to get a quote so you can make the decision that fits your needs the best. A local glass company will be able to give you an estimate for glass replacement.