Ants are annoying to have in and around your home no matter what the species is, but if you notice signs of carpenter ants, time is of the essence in reaching out for carpenter ant control services. Here are the main reasons why you shouldn’t take a carpenter ant issue lightly.

  • Carpenter ants bite – While not overly aggressive, they will bite if they feel threatened, and the bite can be quite uncomfortable. An added concern is the potential for the bite to become infected.
  • Carpenter ants cause wood damage – Carpenter ant control is necessary to keep the ants from growing a large colony that continues to tunnel through the wood in your home so they can build nests.
  • Carpenter ants indicate moisture issue – Since carpenter ants prefer damp wood, if you notice you need carpenter ant control, you might also have a water damage problem that needs to be addressed. The pest control company will let you know if they notice decayed and rotten wood.
  • Carpenter ants attract other pests – Everything feeds on something else and there are other undesirable pests that happen to love carpenter ants. If you want to avoid a spider problem or even bats, don’t wait to call for carpenter ant control services.

It is also important to note that most DIY carpenter ant control methods are highly ineffective and can often make matters worse. If you suspect you have carpenter ants because you have seen them or notice wood shavings, now is the time to call for professional pest control services.