Being a new homeowner is an exciting step to take. You get to have your own space, decorate it according to your preferences, buy new furniture, and all that. However, being a homeowner isn’t all fun. It’s also a big responsibility. You’ll want to make sure that everything is well-maintained and working as it should, from the roof to the crawlspace. There are many aspects of the house to look after, and one of the important things is the plumbing system. Catching plumbing issues early, or preventing them altogether, will save you from major headaches down the road. Here are 4 practical plumbing tips to keep in mind as you transition into being a homeowner:

1. It’s important to know where the main water shutoff valve is and how to turn it off. If there is a plumbing emergency, you will need to locate the valve and turn it off. This will cut off the supply of water to the entire house. It may be in the basement, or outside the house near the garage, so make sure to find out and educate every member in the family.

2. A quarterly inspection of all valves and plumbing lines will be a big help in catching problems early. From the connections under the sink to the water heater in the guest room, there are many things that need regular plumbing maintenance and repair.

3. Keep an eye on your water meter. As a homeowner, be aware of your electricity and water consumption. If your water consumption shows an unusual or unexplained increase, it may be a sign of a leak in your plumbing system.

4. Winterize your pipes. Freezing temperatures can damage or destroy your pipes during the winter season. Disconnect all water hoses, and you may also need to wrap outside faucets and pipes for insultation. Having to fix a burst pipe in winter is a big hassle you’ll want to avoid.

These are just 4 practical tips to keep in mind about your new home’s plumbing. It can be an overwhelming task, so make sure you have a reliable plumber in your phonebook. A local plumber can help look after the plumbing system in your house and ensure that it’s in good shape throughout the year.