Camera systems can be incredibly expensive, so making sure they don’t get vandalized is essential. One thing camera systems are meant to do is to prevent vandalism by capturing it on camera, but that doesn’t always stop the vandals from ruining your expensive property. Here are a few tips on making your camera systems more vandal proof.

  • Placement: The first and easiest thing you can do to prevent vandalism to your camera systems is to place them strategically. Placing them high up or in places that are not easily accessible will greatly reduce someone’s ability to vandalize it in the first place. Also, hiding the camera will greatly reduce vandalism as well. You can’t vandalize a camera if you can’t find it first.
  • Wires: Wires can be a major weak point because vandals can easily be snipped. Make sure the camera wires are either well integrated into where the camera is placed or consider purchasing wireless cameras to avoid this issue altogether.
  • Tamper-Detection: Some camera systems are available with tamper detection systems that will make you aware if anyone decides to mess with your cameras. This can help prevent vandalization right when it happens.
  • Protective Housing: Similar to good placement, protective housing can make it difficult for people to vandalize the cameras to begin with. Creating a box that houses the camera, or something similar that is difficult to remove and get to the camera will work well.

Getting a camera system will come with its own problems, but vandalization doesn’t have to be one of them. Using these tips, you should be able to minimize vandalization of your camera systems.