One profession you may not realize shapes the world around you is commercial fabricators. In this age of technology, the rate at which metal can be made to fit our needs has grown so much that people often take for granted commercial fabricators. Here are 7 products in your home that may have been made by commercial fabricators. 

  1. Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers: All of the screws, nuts, bolts, washers, nails, and anything else holding together your walls, shelves, furniture, and anything else are usually made with metal fabrication. Commercial fabricators find increasingly simple ways every day to make these important bits.
  2. Silverware: Most silverware is made out of metal, and punched out by a machine. Expensive silverware may not be, but most standard silverware is fabricated.
  3. Windows: Metal windows often have their frames built through metal fabrication. 
  4. Sinks: Many people who opt for metal sinks may find that they are fabricated. These may be more complex so commercial fabricators use more techniques, but they are still fabricated.
  5. Car Parts: A lot of things in your car that is metal has been produced by metal fabrication. Everything was either stamped, drilled, cast, or any number of things.
  6. Cans: One of the earliest and most common mass-produced metal fabricated objects in the metal can. Commercial fabricators were quick to develop a way to cheaply roll up sheets of metal into a sealed can.
  7. Door Hinges: The last, and possibly least interesting, item on this list is door hinges. Door hinges are an often-ignored piece of metal because they are hidden on the side of doors, but they are most likely fabricated by a commercial fabricator.

There are so many metal things in your home, and if it is metal it was most likely produced by commercial fabricators and then sent to people to sell it to you for your home usage. Next time you see something shiny in your house make sure to thank commercial fabricators for making it quality and affordable.