There are a multitude of projects where a perforating company can get you the results you need for perforating leather, film, foil, vinyl, automotive seats, wood veneer, wall coverings, solar panels, and more. When you are getting ready to move forward, you’ll need to consider whether standard or custom perforating will be the best solution for your needs.

Standard perforating involves cut-out holes in a pattern that has already been developed by the perforating company. If you aren’t looking to create something unique, this will give you the quickest turnaround time and provide the ventilation or other benefit you are looking for. However, if you want to have something unique, such as a pattern that fits your brand or sets you apart from your competition, custom perforating is the way to go.

A professional custom perforating company is more than happy to work with you to develop the pattern and hole size that your product needs. It may take a bit more time to work through the process, including sending a test piece to be sure the outcome fits your needs before a full order is completed, but it will be well worth it in the end. Be sure to choose a custom perforating company that is dedicated to exceptional work, unrivalled customer service, and makes every effort to have short turnaround times. They will store your pattern information so that future orders can go more quickly, even if you are dealing with different materials. By offering both custom micro-perforating and precision punch perforating, a perforator should be able to handle an enormous array of materials.