If you have problems with neuropathy, one of the things that you are probably always doing is looking for different types of neuropathy treatment. But have you ever considered massage as a neuropathy treatment? Below we are going to look at some of the things that a massage can do and what makes it a great choice for neuropathy treatment.
• Helps to alleviate pain in the lower back and helps with improving ROM (Range of Motion)
• Helps to lessen anxiety and depression
• Helps to enhance immunity because it stimulates lymph flow
• Can help with sports injuries
• Improves your skin’s condition, which is your body’s biggest organ
• Helps increase the flexibility of your joints
• Pumps nutrients and oxygen into vital organs and tissues, which improves circulation
• Helps to reduce cramping and spasms
• Releases endorphins, which is the natural painkiller in your body
• Helps with arthritis symptoms
• Helps to relieve pain from migraines
Along with the above, studies have shown that massage can be effective for:
• A decrease in anxiety
• Better sleep quality
• An increase in energy
• An increase in concentration
• An increase in circulation
• A decrease in fatigue
As you can see, there are a lot of things that massage does that can help it be an effective neuropathy treatment. If you are looking for a way to get help with some of the issues that you are having listed above, massage might be right for you and may be the help that you are looking for.