It’s understandable how much you rely on your air conditioning to stay cool and comfortable in the summer. If your system malfunctions, it’s a big headache for everyone at home. Take action fast and call your local HVAC company to get the prompt, effective repair services you need to get it back up and running again as soon as possible. Although they will send their technicians to your location as quickly as they can, they may not be able to get to you immediately, so we have put together this article to give you some tips on how to stay cool even when your air conditioning is down. Ideally you won’t have to rely on these techniques for long, but they can help you stay comfortable until the issue is addressed.

  • Close the Curtains – One thing you can do to stay cool without functioning air conditioning is to close your curtains or blinds. This helps block out heat from the sun, which in turn will keep the interior of your home Even once your air conditioning has been fixed, we encourage you to keep this tip in mind in order to get the best results from your AC system.
  • Apply Cool Washcloths to Your Neck and Wrists – Another technique you can use to cool off when your air conditioning is out of order is to apply cool washcloths to the back of your neck and the pulse points of your wrists. Your blood vessels are close to the skin at these points of your body, so you will cool off more quickly. You can also use wet wipes for this purpose or even rubbing alcohol—as the alcohol evaporates from your body heat, it will pull the heat away from your skin to cool you off.
  • Stay Hydrated – A third thing you can do to stay cool while your air conditioning is out of commission is to drink plenty of water, which in turn will make sure you can produce enough sweat to stay cooler naturally. While you may not enjoy being sweaty, your sweat will help you stay cool until your HVAC repair team can get to you.

These are just a few tips to help you stay cool when your air conditioning is down and you’re waiting for the repair technicians. It can be very uncomfortable when the AC is broken, so keep these tips in mind.