Most of us rely heavily on our air conditioners to make it through the sweltering summer months! Whether you use yours minimally or non-stop, you want to be on the lookout for air conditioner warnings that can signal a serious problem up ahead. Consider some of the following red flags that will tell you it’s time to call an air conditioning repair company:

  1. Lack of cold/cool air. This is an obvious problem and can sometimes be remedied by remembering to turn on the AC (it happens all the time!), but often this is a warning sign of serious issues to come. Even air conditioners starting out the season should blow cool air relatively quickly.
  2. Strange sounds. Aside from the sound of a fan whirring, your air conditioner should be silent. If you hear any bumps, screeches, grinding or other banging sounds, call a repair person right away and turn off the air conditioner.
  3. Weird smells. While the air conditioner cools the air, it also removes extra humidity and treats the air. If your air smells musty, damp or sharp, you might be in need of an air conditioning repair!
  4. Lack of airflow. Even if the air is cool, a lack of airflow is the sign of a problem occurring. When air flow is obstructed from a dirty filter or clogged pipe, it can cause more serious problems as well as make your air conditioning work harder, leading to increased costs.

There are many more warning signs of air conditioning repairs up ahead besides these that are listed here. Always talk with a professional if you are worried about your air conditioning!