If you are a car enthusiast, the last thing you want is a collision. Collisions can cause damage to your vehicle leading to auto collision repairs, plus it can also affect your physical and mental well-being. Keep reading for 4 top tips that will help you avoid an auto collision.

  • Don’t Use Your Cell Phone

One of the most dangerous things you can do when you are driving is using a cell phone. Using your cell phone while on the road has been proven to be more difficult than focusing on just driving without distractions. 

The National Safety Council estimates that 24% of all collisions and near misses involved drivers using their phones somehow.

  • Don’t Drink and Drive

After an auto collision, one of the first questions asked is whether the driver had been drinking. Driving while impaired by alcohol can have serious consequences.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as many as three out of four drivers in fatal crashes were intoxicated at the time of their accident.

  • Driving While Emotional

Driving while emotional is a significant risk. Any emotion can be the cause, such as anger or sadness. Driving while upset causes more accidents than when sober and focused drivers are on the road.

  • Avoid Overspeeding

The general rule of thumb is that the faster you are driving, the more likely it is for an accident to occur. That is because at any speed, hitting a pothole or swerving without notice can cause significant problems. Arriving at the other is to arrive safely! In order to arrive safely, you need a few things: patience and vigilance on the road and preparation before getting in the car. With these four tips, you can limit the chances of having an auto collision.