When you have a big project or you are simply getting rid of a lot of trash, you might look into bin rentals. There are many companies that offer bin rentals. But there are some common mistakes people make when renting a large garbage bin. Below are three of the most common mistakes.

  1. Renting an Incorrect Size

A big mistake that many people make when they rent a dumpster is that they rent the wrong size. Before you rent a bin, you want to figure out how big of a bin you are going to need. Otherwise, you might rent one that is too big or too small for the waste you need to dispose of.

  1. Not Reading the Fine Print

The second mistake people make when they choose to rent a bin is that they don’t read the fine print on the contract. This information tells you what kind of waste can be put into the bin and what can’t, how long you will have it for, and other important information.

  1. Putting Too Much In

The final mistake is that people put too much waste into the dumpster. How much you are able to put into the bin is in the contract you sign. The debris in it can’t be above its top or it even might have to be several inches below its top so that it’s compliant.

These are three common mistakes when it comes to bin rentals. If you have to rent a bin, make sure that you choose the right size, that you are reading the fine print, and that you don’t go over its limit.