There are few better feelings than a freshly detailed car. Your vehicle looks good, it smells good and it feels good. You want that almost-like-new-car-feeling to last as long as possible. If you have felt like this, then you are in luck! Below our team of experts have compiled their top tips on how to make your car detailing last. 

The first, and arguably the simplest expert tip for making your car detailing last, is to keep trash and food out of your car. This is the easiest way that your car starts to feel less than fresh.  This can be done by having a small garbage can in your vehicle, not eating in your car, and taking all personal items into your home every evening when you are done with your daily commute. 

Next, do not let dust and grime build up in your vehicle. It is much easier (and will feel cleaner) if you quickly dust regularly. Our experts recommend keeping a small dust rag in the glove box and frequently wipe down the dashboard often to maintain that fresh feel. 

Lastly, one of the best parts about car detailing is the yummy smell.  Next time you head in for car detailing, ask your technician about what type of freshener they use, and if there is an option to purchase more.  This way, when the delicious smell starts to fade, you will have a backup of your favorite scent ready to roll.

Car detailing is a great investment for your vehicle. These tips can help make your car detailing last.