A comfortable business is more likely to attract customers. When the weather turns warm, you want to make sure that your commercial HVAC system is keeping your business cool for you, your employees and your customers. Below are three maintenance tips that you can use to keep it running the way it should.

1. Change the Air Filters – You should check these once per month to see if they are clogged and dirty. If they appear dirty, you want to replace them. If there’s a lot of things like pollen, dust, dirt and other contaminants in the environment around your business, it’s a good idea to check them twice a month.

2. Clear Around Your Outside Unit – Your unit will need airflow for operating properly. If there’s a lot of dirt, vegetation, or other things around your unit, its airflow may be blocked. Trim bushes, hedges, tree limbs and other things to create open space around it.

3. Clean Outdoor & Indoor Units – Both outdoor and indoor units need to be cleaned for summer maintenance. Dirt, dust and other things can accumulate needs to be removed from your commercial HVAC units. You should also clean things like moving parts, components and the areas surrounding the electrical connections.

These are just three ways you can prepare your commercial HVAC system for the warmer weather. When you take good care of it, you and everyone in your business are going to be cool and comfortable when the temperature outside is rising and the humidity is almost unbearable.