If you are opening a business, one of the things that you want to do is to hire a lawyer who specializes in commercial real estate law. Below are four of the top benefits of hiring someone who is familiar with commercial real estate law rather than someone who is just a general law lawyer.

1. They’ll help You with Understanding – The best thing about a lawyer who knows commercial real estate law is that they are going to help you to understand all the documentation, rights, and law that are involved.

2. They’re Familiar With Commercial Law- The lawyer is going to know the zoning laws. This means that they’ll ensure that there’s nothing in a contract that doesn’t follow the standards. A regular lawyer isn’t going to know commercial real estate law like someone who specializes in it.

3. They’ll Prepare for Anything Unexpected – Closing a deal in real estate can be very complex because many times clients don’t understand everything. That’s why it’s a good idea to hire someone who is well versed in business real estate law just in case something unexpected comes up.

4. They’ll Do Inspections – Even though the property you choose might look like it’s presentable, it’s possible that there are going to be defects hidden that aren’t simple to replace. Your lawyer is going to put an inspection clause in the documents so that any defects that are noticed before the transaction is finalized are discussed.

These are four main reasons why you want to hire a commercial real estate law professional when you are buying a commercial property.