With concealed carry, you can protect your family from danger in the event of a home invasion or natural disaster. You’ll be able to defend yourself with a gun in the event of an emergency and access your protection more quickly than you would if it were locked away. 

It’s also important to note that concealed carry is legal almost everywhere – not just where guns are “legal.” The following tips will help ensure that you are prepared for any situation.

1. Make Sure to Carry at Least Two Magazines

If you have to use your concealed firearm, it’s vital that you carry at least two magazines. You’ll want to have one in the gun and one on your body or nearby. If you’re using a semi-automatic pistol, carry an additional two unloaded magazines.

This way, if your firearm malfunctions for some reason (which is rare), you will still be able to defend yourself with another type of weapon by simply inserting the empty magazine.

2. Practice Drawing from Concealment

Practicing drawing from the concealed position is essential for several reasons. You’ll want to practice the motion, so it’s natural and fluid. Ensure your draw stroke doesn’t expose or grab any clothing; you’ll want to simulate the environment where you’re going to be carrying (elevated heart rate).

3. Always Ensure Your Weapon Is Secure

You’ll always want to check the safety of your concealed carry firearm before you holster it. You also need to make sure that your weapon stays secure and is not at risk for falling out or getting knocked off balance when you’re moving around, engaging in physical activity, etc.