Granite countertops are some of the most popular choices of high-end kitchen surfaces. Countertops come in a wide variety of choices to match up your style and décor. Educating yourself on the available options will be worthwhile. 

Slab Granite Countertops – This is by far the most popular option when it comes to granite countertops. However, it’s not so DIY friendly as they are mined off-site and cut to fit the exact area of installation. Fortunately, there are numerous qualified contractors that could assist you with the installation.

Granite Tile Countertop – This is by far the cheapest way of installing a granite countertop. If you are working on a DIY project- either for fun or because you have a small budget, consider going with this option. That being said, the installation is involving. Rather than using mortar and grout for the installation, you’ll have to use epoxy. 

Modular Countertops – As the name suggests, these types of granite countertops are comprised of multiple smaller slabs. Thanks to their modular design, you can create any style surface distribution. Additionally, you end up saving money as you can get granite at 3 to 4 times cheaper than a natural slab. The only downside here is the seams which are unavoidable.

Not all granite countertops are expensive, and with a bit of flexibility, you can enjoy significant savings. The trick is to find that perfect balance between costs and looks. Slab granite is the most expensive as it’s naturally formed from a single slab, while granite tiles and modular granite are much cheaper.