When you are going to a trade show and you have one or two custom displays there, you also are going to have banners on your displays. When you use these tips below on the banners on your custom displays, you have a much better chance of having people stop and listen.

1. Choose Purposeful Graphics

You may want to use a few images on your banner, but usually one image will the best. Think clear and bold when you choose your image that will highlight what you’re offering and showcase your company.

2. Make Sure Your Headline is Memorable

The headline you use for a custom display needs to be clear, concise and simple. Keep in mind that you’re only going to have 2-3 seconds to grab a person’s attention. Write a headline that’s compelling and there’s a better chance people will want to learn more about your company.

3. Make It Short

If your banner’s description is long, chances are that you are going to lose people. It’s going to alienate them and make them pass you by. Use some bullet points and there’s a good chance they will want to know more.

These are three tips that you should remember when you are creating your banners for your custom displays. The point is to make people want to know more, not make them want to run away. Use these tips and you’ll have a much better result and time at the trade show.