When looking into building custom swimming pools it is important to know the different types of custom swimming pools you can build. There are 3 primary building materials that custom swimming pools can be made of. Here are those 3 types of materials available for custom swimming pools, and some of their benefits and drawbacks.

  1. Concrete: Concrete is one of the most desirable types of custom swimming pool material, however it can be the most expensive. They are highly customizable and last a long time, but concrete is expensive and can take a very long time to build. It also requires a lot of maintenance.
  2. Fiberglass: While bespoke custom swimming pools are not fiberglass, there is a lower level of customization involved with fiberglass pools. Fiberglass pools can last a long time, are easy to maintain, but do offer less customization in building than concrete. They are also less premium looking than concrete but are much cheaper and do not take as long to install.
  3. Vinyl: Vinyl is an interesting option. They are usually rectangular but can be customized. They are the cheapest one to install but can cost a lot in the long run. They do not last as long as the other two types, so you have to replace them more often. 

These 3 types of materials are all interesting to consider. They also all hit different price points, which may be the greatest indication of which one is right for you. However, what is important is that you install a pool that is right for your customized needs.