Seeing a dentist every 6 months can be draining, because every time an appointment comes up it feels like you were just there! While it would be nice to skip a 6-month dentist check-up and cleaning, it can be rather detrimental. Here are 3 reasons you need to go to regular dentist check-ups and cleanings.

  1. Plaque Cleaning: While regular brushing helps prevent plaque, sometimes plaque can still build up slowly. At a cleaning the plaque will be removed, and you can spend the next 6 months fending off plaque before you need to have it removed by at a dentist’s appointment 6 months later.
  2. Cavities: Cavities don’t go away on their own, so if you don’t have them dealt with, they will only get worse. If you don’t get the cavity dealt with in a timely manner it could cause more damage, toothaches, and eventually lead to more intensive dental care. 6 months is a good amount of time to get your teeth checked and cavities filled before they get worse. 
  3. Gum Disease: Gum disease isn’t a thing some people have, and some don’t, but instead a thing that everyone must be fighting off at all time. As you age, so do your gums so you must always fight an uphill battle for your entire life. Going to a dentist regularly will help prevent gum disease as well as help you keep track of your own gum health. 

Seeing a dentist regularly can be unpleasant, but it is absolutely worth it. Make sure to see a dentist every 6 months to make sure your dental health is doing well.