You are eating your favorite food. Or perhaps you are walking and trip or slip. You fall face first. When you get up, your mouth is bleeding, and you have a piece of tooth in your mouth or perhaps it’s on the ground. Oh no! What should you do now?

If you have a broken tooth, one of the things that you want to do is to see your dentist. If you are not able to see the dentist immediately, there are a few things that you try to help with the pain until you are able to get into your dentist’s office.

  • Use warm water to rinse out your mouth.
  • If there is bleeding due to the broken tooth, use gauze for applying pressure for around t0 minutes
  • Put ice or a cold pack against your cheek or lips over your broken tooth. This is going to help with easing any swelling.
  • Relieve pain by taking an OTC pain reliever.
  • If it’s not possible to visit your dentist immediately, you can purchase temporary cement at your drugstore to cover your tooth.

Remember, the best thing that you can do after you break a tooth is to see your dentist. But sometimes it’s not always possible to do that immediately. If you find that you are unable to go immediately to the dentist, use these tips above to help things be better. They also can help you avoid further problems such as infection and extreme pain.