If you are a smoker, there are some things that your dentist wants you to know about how it can affect your teeth and gums. Although you may think of smoking as something that can affect your lungs, and it can, it also can help your oral health. Below are some things you may not know that your family dentist wants to tell you.
- Your risk of gum disease is double that of someone who doesn’t smoke.
- Someone who smokes a lot is going to have a greater risk of gum disease than someone who only smokes occasionally.
- Your gum disease risk increases the more years you smoke.
- Regular gum disease treatments might not work the way they do on nonsmokers.
- Even those who smoke pipes and chew tobacco are going to have a higher risk of gum disease.
If you are a smoker, below are some of the signs of gum disease to watch for.
- Swollen or red gums
- Bleeding or tender gums
- Painful chewing
- Tooth that are loose
- Teeth that are sensitive
- Gums pulling away from teeth.
There are a lot of good reasons to stop smoking, but when it comes to dental health, you can add the health of your gums and teeth to the list. Make sure that you are seeing your dentist twice a year and that you are brushing and flossing. And, the best thing that you can do is to stop smoking. It’s easier said than done, but it will make you a lot healthier.