On the surface, touchless faucets are one of the most amazing of innovations to hit the plumbing industry. We have all noticed them finding their way into public restrooms and you may have wondered if these faucets would be as beneficial at your home as they appear to be in restaurants, stores, and other public restrooms. So that you can make an informed choice of going with touchless or staying with traditional faucets, here are the pros and cons of touchless faucets.

Pros of Touchless Faucets

There is little doubt that touchless faucets save water. They shut off when you are finished so you don’t have to worry about a child leaving them on. Speaking of children, they are far easier for a child to operate as they don’t have to stand on something to reach the knobs on the faucet itself. There is also a sanitary benefit in that you aren’t handling a knob with clean hands that you recently touched with dirty ones. Plus, you won’t have a messy knob to clean if your hands were exceptionally dirty such as covered in mud or pasta sauce! Finally, they are just plain cool looking!

Cons of Touchless Faucets

One reason you might not want to go with a touchless model is if you have a pet that loves to hang out in the sink. While they might break that habit because they got an unexpected bath, others might do it more often and throw your water savings out the window. Kids can also be enamored with them, at least at first, and find them too much fun to ignore. Another drawback is that touchless faucets usually cost more and need some sort of power to operate. They can also cost more to install for that reason. Finally, they work great when there is just one temperature you will use for the faucet, but if you need to control the temperature, they aren’t quite as convenient.

The key to any decision regarding faucets is to look at more than just how it looks, but how it functions. Hopefully this discussion about the pros and cons of touchless faucets has enabled you to make this decision with the facts in mind.