A mine can be a very intimidating place with many variables, which can create a lot of worry. Knowing the condition and status of the mine can save you, but how? The answer is geotechnical monitoring systems, which allow you to gather data about the mine in real time. Here are a few ways that geotechnical monitoring instruments can save you a lot of different things.

  • Life: Of course, the first and most important thing that geotechnical monitoring instruments can save is people. If you have information about the condition of the specific mine or shaft, then you can know whether or not it is safe to enter them. This will lower the chances of someone going into a mine they otherwise should not go into.
  • Money: If you place your resources into one shaft not knowing it is unstable, you could lose some money. If you are working on the spot and have to leave because of danger, some equipment or other things may have to get left behind. Not spending time or resources on a shaky shaft can save you money, and you can know if the shaft is not worth spending time on using geotechnical monitoring instruments.
  • Coordination: As mentioned previously, spending resources on a questionable shaft can lose your money but knowing the condition of all of the mine can help you better understand where to spend resources. Using geotechnical monitoring instruments, you can best coordinate your approach in using the mine.

Geotechnical monitoring instruments are a very useful thing to have in the mine. They are capable of saving you in more ways than one.