So you have just finished your holiday meal and you still have a whole lot of delicious ham that you have to use. Below are three things that you can do with that leftover ham, so it doesn’t go to waste.

Make Sandwiches

Of course, the first thing that you want to do with your leftovers is to make sandwiches with them. Whether you use it in grilled cheese, make a salad with it, or find something else that tastes good with ham in it, you are going to find that lots of sandwiches can be enhanced with that ingredient.

Make Soups

One of the best things that you can use it for is to make soup. Whether you make potato soup, split pea soup, or many other kinds of soup, it tastes great when you are making soup. This is particularly helpful when the weather is cold, and you want something to warm you up.

Use It in Casseroles

Finally, you can use it in casseroles. Whether you make breakfast casseroles with cheese, eggs, ham, and other delicious breakfast foods or you choose another kind of casserole, you are going to find a lot of recipes that will work with leftover ham.

These are three things that you can use leftover ham for. So if you have a lot leftover from your holiday meal, don’t worry. Just search the internet for recipes and you are sure to find a lot of options that you can use the leftover in.