One of the most important systems in your home is your HVAC system. It keeps you cool and warm, depending on the season. HVAC repair can also be very costly. Below are three mistakes that can lead to HVAC repair costs.

1. Not Doing Regular Maintenance

Your equipment should be maintained to prevent future issues and extra costs. When you neglect preventative maintenance on your HVAC system, it can shorten the system’s life. So you want to make sure that your system’s checked on a regular basis.

2. Running the System 24/7

You shouldn’t have your unit running throughout the day. Put a timer in so that your system can be turned off when you’re leaving and just before you come back home. This is going to help you with saving money on your electric bill and help your system be the most efficient it can be.

3. Not Having the Right Sized HVAC

When you are looking for a system to heat and cool your home, it’s not always a good idea to have a bigger one. If your system is worn out and needs replacing, make sur that you have an inspection done to figure out the amount of capacity the home will need.

When you want to keep your HVAC repair costs down, avoid making these mistakes. Otherwise your system is going to need repairs and you will find that your home is much less comfortable than you would like it to be.