When looking at windows for your home, you may wonder if insulating glass is worth the added cost. While it is more expensive, the list of benefits is rather long and may make it pay for itself. Here are 5 reasons why insulating glass is worth the extra cost.

  1. Insulation: It goes without saying, but insulating glass greatly increases your buildings insulation. This means that heat will struggle to pass through the windows, meaning that both air conditioning and heating will be more efficient. This means that your HVAC system will not have to run as much, which will reduce your monthly utilities bill.
  2. Safety: Having multiple panes of glass on your window will make it stronger and harder to break. This will lead to increased security, but also better resistance to stronger weather. 
  3. Noise: Not only does insulating glass keep the heat or cold outside, it also stops sound as well. This means the outside world will have a harder time getting its sounds inside your home, as well as sounds inside getting out when compared to normal glass.
  4. Lower Carbon Footprint: Not only will a lower utility bill save you money, but the decrease in energy usage will lower your carbon footprint. As energy becomes more and more of an issue it is always nice to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases you create.
  5. Options: There are many different options for when you get insulating glass installed. You can get more than 2 panes or get special coatings that come with added benefits. 

While insulating glass can be more expensive than regular glass, it can be well worth the price when you look at all the benefits.