If you have the room in your kitchen, a kitchen island is almost a necessity.  Even smaller kitchens can benefit from kitchen islands because of their unique adaptability.  Kitchen islands can give you three distinct benefits that may give your space the advantage over kitchens that go without. 

  • Counter Space – A kitchen island is, at minimum, 2 feet by 4 feet.  That is an additional 8 square feet of counter space.  Larger kitchen islands can mean much more.  The additional counter space can also mean additional appliances, like a second sink or stove top.  For the avid cook, the kitchen island is essential. 
  • Storage – A kitchen island can mean additional storage.  There are many storage solutions available to the homeowner who chooses to add a kitchen island, and it can make all the difference when your current storage just isn’t enough. 
  • Seating – A large kitchen island can add an area for seating and entertaining.  Many kitchen islands are either table height or counter height, depending on the needs of the homeowner.  Add chairs to a table height kitchen island and you could open up an additional 4-6 placemats at your table.  This is a great place to entertain guests or keep your children in view while you prepare meals. 

If you are unsure if a kitchen island will fit in your home or you’re ready to customize the perfect one for you, contact your local remodeling company. They can work with your needs to give you the right solutions for your kitchen and your home.