Finding local activities to participate in is a great way for anyone to feel more involved in the community, whether you’re new to town or are a life-long resident. From hidden gems to well-established local traditions, knowing how to discover the best local experiences can make a huge difference in how you enjoy the area. But how do you find the good local activities?

Here are a few tips to help you uncover all the best your community has to offer, no matter where you are.

  1. Check Out Community Calendars & Websites. Most cities and towns have a website or, at the very least, an online calendar that outlines upcoming events and community activities. Keeping an eye on websites like Eventbrite, Meetup, and local community boards is a great way to find local activities that might interest you.
  2. Follow Local Social Media. Social media is more than just for keeping track of your established friend group – it’s a powerful tool for discovering new things if you follow the right pages. Join local Facebook groups, follow the official city Instagram page, or engage with local influencers on your preferred platforms who share recommendations and event information for local activities.
  3. Visit the Visitors Center or Tourist Information Office. Most cities will have some kind of information center that you can visit to get a lot of helpful information about local activities. They often offer brochures, maps, and even personal recommendations if you speak with employees or volunteers.
  4. Stop by the Library or Community Center. Libraries and community centers are phenomenal resources for anyone looking to find new local activities. Check out bulletin boards or event calendars, or speak with employees about upcoming events like workshops, cultural celebrations, and programs.
  5. Explore Your Neighborhood. Sometimes, the best local activities are right in your backyard! Take a stroll through the area around your home and stop in at places like coffee shops, eateries, parks, and shops – you might just stumble across something new and exciting simply by being curious and open to possibilities.