Online shopping has become all the rage as people are turning towards the easier and more convenient option of getting the things they need. However, turning to online pharmacies may not be the best option. Local pharmacies are still the best option for shopping for your prescriptions.

Not convinced? Here are some of the advantages to shopping at a local pharmacy.

1. Personalized Advice – When you shop at a local pharmacy, you will be able to talk directly to the pharmacist and get the advice of a professional who is familiar with your situation. When you shop online you lose all personalization and ability to get fast answers to your questions.
2. Customer Service – Have you ever had a problem when online shopping? It can sometimes take forever to get help. However, when you shop in person you have the attention of the cashier and pharmacist to assist you right when you need the help.
3. Easy Connection to Your Doctor – Online pharmacies do not have the same connection or knowledge of local doctors, whereas your local pharmacy may have a direct line to your doctor.
4. Supports Your Community – Your local pharmacy provides more than just medication. They often have many needed household items, and they offer advice and personalized consultations. Using your local pharmacy helps your community by supporting an independent business.

Local pharmacies provide advice, consultations, and a wealth of knowledge about different medications. If you value customer service and getting expert opinions, then you should continue to shop and use your local pharmacy.