It happens to all of us! Sometimes our keys fall out of our pockets and we aren’t sure where. Other times we accidentally lock our keys inside and have no way of retrieving them. No matter how or why you find yourself locked out, you likely need a locksmith to help get you out of a bind. Choosing the right locksmith is more than just finding a name on the internet, however. Here are a few ways that you can tell if you are choosing the right locksmith.

  • Look for a locksmith that matches your needs. Being locked out of your home, business or car can be jarring, but don’t overlook important details when looking at a locksmith. For example, if you are locked out of your car, a locksmith that only services safes is not going to be much help to you!
  • Do as much research as possible. How long have they been in business? What are their safety practices? Are they insured? These are all good questions to know the answer to before calling.
  • Request an estimate in writing. With some basic information, a good locksmith will have a general estimate of the cost of the work required. Some shady locksmiths out there will suddenly realize that your lock is more complex and cost you double. Asking for a written estimate helps to weed out those that will take advantage of your urgent needs and overcharge you.
  • Don’t choose multiple locksmiths. Calling multiple locksmiths out and then giving the job to the one who shows up first is a practice that happens often. Please don’t do this- locksmiths have families and lives and don’t like to drive out to find you already gave the job to someone else.

These are just some of the tips we have for finding a good locksmith! One of the best tips, however? Keep a spare key handy for emergencies!