Custom orthotics can be a huge help to people who struggle with chronic foot pain. However, the marketing of orthotics can be overblown and vague and not specifically indicate what exactly they can help with. Here are 5 things that orthotics can help with that will improve your life.

  1. Pain and Fatigue: One of the major benefits of orthotics is how they can reduce foot pain as well as foot fatigue. This means you can get through your daily activities with less foot pain and tiredness.
  2. Deformity: Feet can change shape and deform if the arch is not properly supported. A custom shaped orthotic can help the foot keep its shape which will help you stand comfortably for longer, especially later in life.
  3. Stability: Better support means better stability when standing, which means you can be lighter and stronger on your feet in all situations.
  4. Hips, Back, Knees: When taking a holistic look at feet you will find a lot of things are affected by foot comfort. Your knees, hips, lower back and many other body parts connect to your feet, and you can reduce pain in these areas by caring for your feet.
  5. Performance: Having feet that hurt less and are less fatigued, as well as your entire lower body, you will find that your physical performance improves. Whether just walking or standing for a long time or doing more strenuous activities you may find your performance has improved due to orthotics.

Orthotics come with so many benefits because of the holistic improvements that come from caring for your feet. Make sure to consider all these benefits when looking into orthotics.