When you are traveling by car, there are a lot of places that you can stop by. Some of them are indoors. But one of the best places to stop is somewhere with outdoor recreation facilities. Below are three reasons to choose rest stops with outdoor recreation facilities.

1. Stretch Your Legs

One of the best reasons to find a rest stop with outdoor recreation facilities is because you want to stretch your legs when you have been in the car for a long time. Whether you’re stopping for a picnic lunch or just because you’re tired of being in the car, you need a break.

2. Fresh Air

The second reason to stop at a place that has a playground or another type of fun activity outside is because you can get some fresh air. When you’re traveling, chances are that you have the heat or the AC on in the car. So, having some fresh air is a huge plus.

3. Kids Have Energy

Finally, if you are traveling with kids, you know how much energy they have. Outdoor recreation is great for kids because it helps them be more physically active since most are usually just glued to their gadgets and TVs. So, giving them a place where they can run around and simply burn off some energy is a good idea. Maybe they’ll even nap in the car!

These are just three reasons to choose a rest stop with outdoor recreation facilities. This is true with any trip, but especially a long one where you are on the road for multiple days. Sometimes you just need a break in the great outdoors to clear your head.