Have you ever witnessed a young child on Christmas morning or on their birthday be more enthusiastic about the packaging of their gifts than the gift itself? While that phenomenon is one that we tend to outgrow as we get older, if you are a business owner, you know that there is more importance to packaging than most people realize. What is also important to realize is that packaging solutions evolve and that means keeping up with the latest trends.

Frustration-Free Packaging Solutions – People are tired of having to fight the packaging to get to the item they have purchased. What good is it to need a pair of scissors to open a package containing scissors, right? Developing packaging solutions that both protect your merchandise through the distribution chain, but also appeal to the end consumer, means careful attention and planning.

Innovative Packaging Solutions – Even though children are known for enjoying the packaging, adults are the ones buying your products, so your packaging has to draw their attention and lead their buying decision in the way you want them to go. Coming up with something unique and intriguing can go a long way in that department.

Eco-Friendly Packaging Solutions – As the public becomes more aware about the onslaught of packaging materials cluttering up the environment, they take notice when a company comes up with packaging solutions that are gentler on Mother Earth. Consider recyclable and compostable materials, plastic alternatives, edible packaging, and reusable packaging, for example.

With a bit of determination, you can come up with packaging solutions that not only meet the needs of your customers, but also drive up your sales when you are seen as a company that pays attention to what’s good for your customers and the environment.