Plumbing repairs are some of the most expensive types of repairs you can have in your home. That’s why a lot of people try to do it on their own. Below are some of the mistakes that people make when it comes to plumbing repairs.

1. Using the Wrong Tools

You need to have the right tools that you need for a job when doing plumbing repairs. Most people who are trying to do DIY repairs on their plumbing are doing it with the wrong tools. Your butter knife might look like your flathead screwdriver, but it’s not the same thing.

2. Relying on YouTube Videos

You are going to find a lot of videos online that claim to be able to help you do just about anything. People will upload videos showing how to install showerheads. However, a lot of times these types of videos aren’t telling the entire story. The person might have been a plumber in their former job. It’s a better idea not to take a chance and rely on online videos. Call in a professional plumber to do plumbing repairs to ensure it is done right.

3. Hiring a Friend to Do It

Unless your friend has their plumbing license, asking them to do it isn’t any better than doing it yourself. Sitcoms are full of this trope – someone hires a friend to do it or a friend offers to fix the plumbing and then it ends up costing a lot more money.

These are some of the common plumbing mistakes that people make when they try doing it themselves. If you have a plumbing problem, it’s best to call a plumber to handle it.