Summertime is here, and it’s time to prepare the pool. Whether you are a homeowner with a pool or have been invited over for a swim, there are some essential steps that need to be taken before you dive in.

In this post, we are going to talk about five pool opening tips for homeowners.

  1. Start by testing the water chemistry.
    The first pool opening tip for homeowners is to test the water chemistry. Testing your pool’s pH levels and chlorine/bromine will ensure that you have a safe, clean swimming space. The best time to do this is when there are no swimmers in the pool or after it has been drained.
  2. Clean all surfaces inside and out.
    Clean all surfaces inside and out with a non-abrasive cleaning agent or bleach solution. The pool equipment (filtration systems, heaters, pumps, etc.) must be cleaned as well if they were used over the winter months.
  3. Drain all standing water from pipes
    If you have a circulating pump, make sure that it runs at least one hour before swimming starts, as this will help circulate the chlorine and keep bacteria levels down.
  4. Inspect filters
    The fourth pool opening tip on the list is to inspect filters for dirt, debris, or algae growths; replace if necessary. All pool equipment should be in place and functioning as it was before the winter months so that you can enjoy your return to summer fun.
  5. Add chlorine tablets
    The chemical levels must be maintained to keep the water safe and healthy, so make sure that you check your manual on how much each chemical should go into a pool based on its size.

By following these easy pool opening tips, you can guarantee a safe and healthy environment each time you go for a swim.