Several pool owners often make common mistakes while shopping at the pool store. While it’s crucial to maintain a good pool, purchasing the right products for your pool is essential. Here are five common mistakes pool owners make when shopping for pool supplies.

Not Knowing What You Need

Understanding what you need for your particular type of swimming pool is crucial before heading to the pool store. To remedy this, research the type of pool you have and the specific items it needs to stay in good condition.

Not Considering Brand Quality

It can be tempting to purchase cheaper products. However, this may lead to higher costs in the long run as they are more likely to deteriorate quickly or not work effectively. Quality brands offer higher-quality products that will last longer and perform better.

Not Considering Compatibility

When choosing products for the pool, ensure the chemicals are compatible. Otherwise, mixing these items can end up causing harm to your pool and its environment.

Not Checking Pool Size

Smaller pools require different water treatment and maintenance than larger ones. It’s, therefore, important to know your pool size before buying chemicals or other products, as they may not be suited for their size.

Not Being Aware of the Cost

It’s easy to get carried away when shopping, especially if you don’t have a budget. Set aside a certain amount for pool-related expenses and stick to it, as this will help you avoid overspending.

Knowing these common mistakes can help you make better purchasing decisions at the pool store and maintain a healthy pool. With the right products, knowledge, and maintenance plan, you will enjoy your pool for many years.