Quartz countertops are a beautiful option for bathrooms and kitchens. Below we have looked at three things that you can do to help your countertop look its best.  If you follow these three tips, they will help your countertop have a long life.

1. Don’t Seal It

You probably have always sealed your countertops. But one of the things that you will love about quartz countertops is that you don’t have to seal them. Once quartz’s manufactured, the bonding materials, resins and the pigments create a surface that is self-sealing.

2. Use the Right Cleaner

Much like natural stone, quartz doesn’t react well to the household cleaners, such as those that have a lot of ammonia or bleach in them. These types of cleaners have a high pH that breaks down quartz’s amalgamation factor. Look for something that’s specifically for cleaning quartz.

3. Be Careful with Oven Cleaners

All products made for oven cleaning can damage quartz countertops. If you accidentally spill oven cleaner on the surface, absorb the spill immediately using paper towels or even a cloth that’s dry before you wipe it down using quartz cleaner. Otherwise you might find your countertop is badly damaged.

These are three things that you can do to help quartz countertops last long and look great. If you have chosen a countertop made of quartz for your kitchen or bathroom, you have made a great decision. Take good care of it and it will give you a lot of use and beauty for many years to come.