When hiring a new residential plumber, you should always be wary. It can be a stressful thing to look for a residential plumber because you never know who is or is not trustworthy. Here are 4 questions that you should ask your residential plumber before you hire them to ensure they are a trustworthy hire.

  1. Licenses and Insurance: Make sure that whoever you are hiring has licenses and insurance. It is one way that they could save money but could cost you a lot if they make a mistake. Make sure the residential plumber has licenses and insurances, so they do their job properly and do not accidentally cause a massive amount of uninsured damage.
  2. References: Always ask them for references. This is one of the best ways to find out the quality of their work; asking other people who paid for their work. Good referrals are essential for trust.
  3. Quote and Fee Breakdown: Make sure to ask for a quote and a breakdown of their fees. It is important to know how they are going to charge, and what they expect the charges to be so that they do not charge you an exorbitant amount when the bill comes. Giving you a fee breakdown can add accountability and trust.
  4. Specialty: Finding a plumber that specializes in the residential job that you need doing is important. Make sure to hire someone who specializes and not someone who can “do everything, don’t worry about it”. 

Finding a residential plumber can be an intimidating thing, but there are always questions to ask that reduce worry. Make sure to ask a potential residential plumber all the questions you need in order to prove that they are trustworthy.