Food is one of the most universal ways in which people gather, and whether you would think of yourself as a foodie or not, food makes up a part of your everyday routine. Travel and tourism provide an amazing opportunity to visit new destinations and experience new cultures. One of the best ways to do so is by visiting local restaurants who offer cuisine that speaks to the history, identity, and culture of the area. Every dish has a story and restaurants are a great way to experience food tourism and discover local flavour. Here are three tips for experiencing local culture through restaurants:

  1. Do some research ahead of time – Before you leave for your trip, take some time to research the area, its culture, and its food. This will help you learn what to expect and give you some ideas as to which restaurants you might want to visit. If you have a specific travel budget or food restrictions or any other factors to take into consideration, research can help you determine which restaurants will work best for you.
  2. Step outside of your comfort zone – It can be easy to get comfortable with the foods that you know and love. When you are travelling in a new place, you might encounter kinds of foods that you either have never heard of or would not typically try. By keeping an open mind, you never know what kind of flavours you will discover! When you are looking at restaurants, consider ones that offer something unique and ask staff what they recommend.
  3. Talk to locals about their recommendations – No one knows their local restaurants better than the people who live there! You may discover great food options off the beaten path or be able to get a true taste of local culture by visiting a local favorite. Some places also offer local culinary tours, which is a great way to experience the best local food.