An integral part of going on a vacation is trying new food. Whether it’s at a fancy restaurant or at a street food cart, eating local cuisine makes your trip extra memorable. Plus, sometimes it’s equally about the dining experience as it is about the food itself. There are some easy ways to choose the best restaurants when you’re on a vacation:

1. The easiest way would be to ask the hotel staff. They can make great recommendations for tourists such as yourself, especially if you’re looking for a specific dish or cuisine, or have allergies or other factors to consider.

2. If you can, ask a few locals where they like to eat. This is a good way to get recommendations for restaurants that offer good food at affordable prices.

3. When you come across an interesting restaurant, give it a careful look before committing to eating there. Sometimes, if you just spare a minute to look around, you’ll see clues that you won’t enjoy the dining experience. Red flags include weird smells, a dirty entryway, and few customers.

4. Search for cool restaurants using an app like Yelp where reviews are written by both locals and tourists. You’ll be able to get a well-balanced perspective on the different pros and cons of restaurants in the area.

5. Check out the blogs of local food bloggers. They’ll have great insider knowledge on where to find the best food in town.

Make your vacation extra special by trying a range of local restaurants that will give you a fantastic dining experience. With these tips, you can avoid restaurants that tourists flock to but locals actually find overrated.