As a homeowner, there are many things to keep track of in order to maintain a home, from changing air filters to having the septic tank pumped. It’s easily forgotten, but roofing maintenance is an important part of overall home maintenance. If neglected, small issues and problems can pile up and cause the roof to need major roof repairs or even roof replacement. Check out our easy roofing maintenance tips below:

1. One of the easiest things you can do is inspect your shingles regularly. Look for areas that look streaky, and any shingles that look cracked or damaged.

2. Openings into the roof such as chimneys and vent openings are more prone to water intrusion, so pay careful attention to these areas. Even if they were sealed properly during installation, they can begin to leak over time.

3. Be diligent and regularly clean off the leaves, branches, and other debris on the roof. Having a clean roof allows for water to drain freely off the roof.

4. Don’t forget to clean the gutters too, while you’re at it. During heavy rain, clogged gutters can cause water damage to the roof.

5. Check your roof for moss or other green growth. Moss is dangerous to roofs because it spreads quickly and causes the shingles to lift. If left untreated, it can cause extensive damage that would need total roof replacement. If you see moss on your shingles, you can remove it using water and a scrub brush.

These are some easy maintenance tips you can follow for your roof. But if you’re not confident doing these, don’t hesitate to contact your local roofing company for regular roofing maintenance. Having a professional roofer take care of your roof will give you peace of mind and ensure that your roofing lasts a long, long time.