Many women want sleek, straight hair, so it is no wonder why so many women choose to use a hair relaxer to get this wonderful appearance. The ideal way to go about using a hair relaxer is to use the services of a professional hair salon, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to know a bit about the process and what you should and should not do before and after your hair relaxer treatment.

Most of the mistakes made when using a hair relaxer happen when women try to perform the task themselves. Common mistakes are forgetting to detangle during the process, trying to work large sections, leaving the chemicals on too long, using a substandard product, not conditioning afterwards, and overlapping chemicals after the first application. None of these will happen when you have your hair relaxer done at a salon. They have the best and healthiest hair relaxer products that will be better for you and your hair. They also have the expertise to choose either a lye hair relaxer or a non-lye hair relaxer.

If you use a salon, there are really only two things you need to consider before you make your appointment. The first is that you do not shampoo for at least a week before your hair relaxer appointment. The other thing you should do is avoid messing with your scalp at all – that includes scratching or dealing with dandruff. Your results will be better if you have left your scalp alone.