No one wants to add another bill on top of every other utility bill in their life, and septic plumbing seems like it is just another expense. Septic pumping is an expense that must be done every few years to make sure your septic system is clean and emptied, but what would happen if you did not do it? Here are a few reasons why you need to do regular septic pumping, and what will happen if you skip it.

  • Odors: When the septic system is not emptied as needed, the sewage may start to flow back into your home. This is unsanitary, but you will first notice it when your home starts to smell absolutely rancid.
  • Cracked Pipes: Pushing your septic tank to its limits by not pumping it regularly can put a lot of pressure on the pipes. Make sure to pump it regularly to keep the system from breaking.
  • Leakage: When things start to overflow or break, you may start seeing sewage leakage on your property. While your drain field may start looking greener and better watered than usual, the leakage may appear in worse places on your property like the inside of your home.
  • Drain field: As mentioned above, a drain field may start to look better watered than usual. The problem with this is that your field and property may start looking and smelling of sewage. To keep your property looking and smelling well, make sure to do regular septic pumping.

Septic pumping is one thing where you should not skip. The consequences of an unpumped septic system are far worse than the bill for pumping, so make sure to pump your septic system whenever it is needed.