Millions of people across the globe are doing something about the high cost of energy. One of the leading ways of accomplishing this is by installing residential and commercial solar power systems.

The primary equipment you require to produce your own electricity includes solar panels which produce the electricity. Batteries to store the energy, a charge controller to charge the batteries and an inverter to convert the power from DC to AC.

Benefits of Going Solar

  • The use of solar power electricity on your property ensures you lower your energy cost each month. Even when you start with powering only part of your electric needs, you can immediately notice these savings.
  • Petroleum products and coal are burned to produce electricity. In doing so, these resources are gone forever. Solar power on the other hand is infinite. You are assured of energy as long as the sun comes out in the morning.
  • Unlike electricity generated from burning coal, gas or petroleum, solar energy is clean and environmentally friendly. This means that not only will you be saving on cash, but saving the planet by cutting down on pollution.
  • The US’s national grid is old and at times unreliable, leading to blackouts. Having the capability of being your own power plant limits your reliance on such aging systems. This way, you have absolute control over your energy.
  • Lastly, a typical solar system tends to have far fewer moving parts. Consequently, there are far fewer instances of breakages, wear and tear requirering maintenance.

With each passing day, more and more people are joining the solar power band wagon. The popularity of alternative energy is growing and solar is spearheading the revolution.