It can be easy to assume that nature has only the best of intentions and that nothing unfortunate will ever happen to the cherished trees on your property. The reality is that if you were to walk through a virgin forest, you’d see plenty of trees that never made it much past maturity. Weather, pests, and disease can adversely affect any tree, but with the proper professional tree care, you can avoid many of the dangers that can spell the end for your trees.

Other than the sad feeling of having to say goodbye to a favorite tree, there are other reasons why you should make tree care a top priority. First of all, it can take many years of patience to have a new sapling become the beauty that your mature tree is. Think of it like this- if you had to go out and pick the cotton, process it into thread, weave the material, and then sew it to become a t-shirt, would you care for that article of clothing a bit differently than if you could just head down to the store for a new one? If you had to invest that much time into it, you’d treat it with more care. Since you would need to invest several years into a new tree, making tree care a priority makes sense.

Another reason to make tree care a top priority is the damage that could result if your tree were to topple in a storm because it wasn’t strong enough to endure. Not only can it be costly to repair your home’s roof or have an autobody shop repair your vehicle, but it could be dangerous or even fatal to a person.

Tree care that keeps your trees healthy is the best way to avoid problems and get to enjoy your trees for a lifetime. They’ll look nicer too!