Commercial HVAC maintenance is an essential but often overlooked part of maintaining a building. These systems are expensive, and if they break down or malfunction, they can have a devastating effect on your business.

Here are three common mistakes that building owners make when doing their commercial HVAC maintenance and how you can avoid them to keep your system running smoothly for years.

  1. Waiting too long for regular inspections

Many building owners think that if they wait for their system to break down before hiring an HVAC professional, it will cost less. This couldn’t be any farther from the truth!

The longer you operate without a proper inspection, the more likely it is that your system will break down unexpectedly, which could lead to significant problems and a hefty bill.

  1. Neglecting routine checks and repairs for leaks and damages

If you’re not hearing the telltale signs of a leak or water damage, it could get worse without your knowledge. Regular HVAC inspections can help you identify leaks before they turn into significant problems for your system and lead to increased costs down the line.

  1. Ignoring warning signs like unusual noise from ducts

A common issue in HVAC systems is ductwork that has shifted and become misaligned.
We recommend installing a CCTV to monitor your system for any warning signs of problems like this since they can often be fixed quickly before you have considerable damages on your hands.

It’s advisable to prepare a commercial HVAC maintenance checklist so that you can go through your system with a fine-toothed comb and identify areas of potential problems. Lastly, leave the maintenance to certified/qualified technicians.