If you have never had a plumbing emergency, you are lucky. Everyone’s had one at least once in their lifetime. But what you do first can make a huge difference in the outcome. Here are three tips from your local plumber on what to do in a plumbing emergency.

1. Assess the Problem

The first thing that you want to do is to look at the situation. Some plumbing problems can be fixed yourself; others need a plumber. If you need a plumber, call them. If you can fix it yourself, proceed to the next tip.

2. Reduce the Water Damage

If the plumbing emergency has caused water damage, start doing damage control. If there are puddles, grab a mop and some towels. If there’s an active leak, then you want to put your bucket beneath it so that the dripping water can be collected. Turn on a fan, open up the windows and circulate air so that it dries quicker.

3. Make Some Space

If you’ve called a plumber, they are going to appreciate if the area’s cleared so they can access the problem and effectively complete your job. If you can, move furniture away so that your plumber can easily fix the issue. You also should secure your pets.

These are just three tips that a local plumber can give you when you have a plumbing emergency. They will help things go a lot more smoothly and can make a difference in the damage that is done to your home. Most of all, keep calm.