When a storm blows through your area, your home can take a beating. Downed powerlines, missing shingles, and fallen trees can create some big safety risks surrounding your property. Not only that, but you might not be able to live in your home for a few weeks until you take care of the storm damage restoration process.

After your area suffers a storm and the winds and rain subside, you may have a lot to do. Although there will be a lot going on, getting the storm damage restoration process going should be a priority. Here’s why:

• Water damage can get worse—The longer water sits in a contained space, the worse the damage will get as time progresses. It also only takes a matter of a few hours for mold to take hold and start to grow, creating another issue to take care of when you restore your home.
• Your home may be unsafe–Going back into your home is risky, even if you only go in for a minute or two to grab things. Starting the storm damage restoration process quickly can take care of these risks, so you can enter your home safely on a gradual basis.
• You want to get back to normal quickly—The longer you wait to get the storm damage restoration process started, the longer it will take for your life to get back to normal. Reporting your claim quickly also ensures you can receive proper compensation from your insurance company to help with the damage.