You may have of the “5 second rule” for food dropped on the floor, but what about website design? Website design companies have a “5 second rule” which says that a website visitor spends only 5 seconds deciding if they want to leave your website or if they want to stay and look at the rest. This underscores the importance of effective website design. It means that your website should have enough clarity that within the first five seconds of arriving on your website, your visitors should be able to tell what your company offers. Aside from that, the rest of the website should have a good layout so that information is easy to understand. Here are some easy tips on improving your design now:

1. Complicated animations can be annoying and distracting. Try to keep your website simple and straight to the point without resorting to outdated on-page animations.

2. Using original photos is best, but if it’s not an option, you can use stock images. However, be mindful of the stock images you choose. Avoid using cheesy photos like those that show people with exaggerated smiles or people jumping in the air. Instead, go for photos that are realistic, relatable, and not over-edited.

3. Mobile optimization is a non-negotiable for good website design. Enhance the mobile experience by making it extra easy for visitors to use your website on a mobile phone. A website should be simple, clean, and easy for visitors to understand and engage with. If you want to make the best of your website, contact a local website design agency to take care of this for you. They’ll know what website layout is best for your line of business, which will help you stay competitive in the market.