If you’ve decided that it is time for you to expand your business or portfolio to include a website, you may be wondering how to go about the website design aspect. Designing a functional and usable website is a skill and making sure you’ve thought about all the proper features is important. Some of the key features you’ll want to include in your website design are:

  1. Navigation – A website should be extremely easy to navigate. There should be a menu accessible on each page that will direct you around the whole site with easy clicks. At no point should a visitor be wondering “how do I get back to the homepage?” You’ll want to make sure your navigation is in a clear spot with easy access.
  2. Content – The content on your website is the most important aspect. You will want well written information that makes sense and tells visitors what it is that you do. If you offer services, break it down in bite sized informational chunks. Visitors often don’t have the attention span for big paragraphs of writing.
  3. Accessibility – Making sure your website is accessible for all types of people is crucial. You’ll want to invest time into adding alt text to your images and ensuring the layout flows well from web to mobile.
  4. Search Engine Optimization – Having proper SEO in your web design is the only way you’ll get found on the internet. SEO can be learned, but often it is best to hire a professional to help you find the right keywords and ensure your site is showing up in searches.

Website design can be complicated and often people don’t know how to start. While most site hosts offer built in templates, they do not come fully accessible and do not come with proper SEO. If you are serious about investing in a website, consider hiring a professional to help with your web design.